Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Legend Begins

You know, if I had a quarter for every person who recommended that I start keeping a blog, well, I'd probably have enough money to enjoy a tall, cool, refreshing Arnold Palmer. (As I recently discovered, the greatest non-alcoholic drink known to mankind... but I digress)  While I'd like to thank these people for suggesting a blog as platform for my brain to unload its hot load of creativity on, it does make me worry.

"Worry?" you may be asking yourself.

That's right.  Worry.  The fact of the matter is that if I had simply come up with this idea on my own, there would be no pressure on me.  But the fact that people (most of them friends) gave me this idea basically means I have standards to keep.  Though judging by the group I spend most of my weekends with, the standards won't be too high. 

First issue.  What should the blog be about?  Well simply put, I'm going to write about anything I feel like writing about.  I'm guessing the topics that will most often frequent this blog will include the following:  Sports (Specifically anything related to my alma mater the University of Oregon), Entertainment Gossip (Yes, I watch the E! Entertainment Network & TMZ), Food, Music, Movies, and bascially whatever crosses my mind.

Second issue.  How often should I update this blog?  Well, at first I was thinking daily.  But let's be honest, my friends and family will all make fun of me for not having a life.  So then I thought I could do one every week, but that makes me seem lazy.  The conclusion I came to is that I'll update this blog based on the following schedule:  WHENEVER THE F*CK I WANT.  I mean... isn't that what separates bloggers from real journalsits?  I certainly don't want to be on a deadline when I'm not getting paid to write this.

With those issues out of the way, I'd like to welcome my readers.  I'm sure I know most of you because right now the counter on the right side of the screen, under the word, "Followers" is at zero.  I guess I know how those kids in 'Glee' feel.  Yes I watch 'Glee.'  Don't judge me.  I watch what I want. 

Anyway, I'd like to weigh in on the NFL Lockout that seems to be the top story of every sports news outlet.  I heard several so-called "expert" opinions on this, and basically it comes down to two things:  The players' love for the game, and the owners' love for the money.  Now hear me out, I'm not taking the players' side on this one.  At least, not completely.  "It takes two to tango," right?   So fault lies on both sides of this.  I understand that the players want more out of their contracts, but they have to realize that they are demanding more rights, benefits and money for playing a game that others would play at less than a quarter of what they make.  The owners have to understand that the players are the ones risking their lives (Yes, I don't think it's a stretch to say that and mean it literally) to make a million dollar industry a billion dollar indstry.  In the end I'm sure we'll still have a season.  There's just too much money to be lost.  I mean, by definition Sue Sylvester will always be at odds with Mr. Schuester, but if you kick one off the show, you end up with no show.  Eventually the players and owners will get together and everything will work out ala Rachel and Finn.

In the catergory of "things I care about more than Glee or the NFL," have you seen the new Episodes of 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians'?  Is it just me, or is it awesome the Kris Jenner has gone completely crazy?  I mean, in order to get your entire family or two families to be mad at you within two episodes of the season opening, you have to be a pretty terrible person... ahem...

Anyway, in a no-doubt fleeting attempt at coming off a smarter than someone who Cliff-Noted his way through most of his literature classes, I'll leave you with a quote which I may decide to do at the end of every update.  Since this past Monday was Independence day, I'll quote American poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson:
"Most of the shadows in our life are caused by our standing in our own sunlight."

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